Welcome to Hollywood's Roleplay Rules. Here you will find all the rules you need to abide by when roleplaying with me, along with some general comments I have about roleplaying with me. See, I don't want to roleplay with just any old idiot out there on AOL. I want smart people to roleplay with. I want mature people to roleplay with. If you think you're either of these, go ahead and read my rules. If you're not smart or mature about roleplaying, you can look up to the right at the little 'X' on this webpage. See it? Now click on it. C'mon. I know you can do it. There ya go!
Please be able to spell. If you use something like "::walx in::" or "::loox at u::", then don't even bother trying to roleplay with me. It will probably get you ignored.
Be somewhat descriptive. I don't expect a twenty five chapter novel, but a little description would be nice.
Don't bug the hell out of me. If I don't answer your IM immediately, don't sit there and send several IMs saying "((are you there??))", because that will just get you ignored. If I don't answer your IM at all, it's either because I'm not at the computer, or I just don't want to talk/RP with you. If I'm afk, I'll IM you when I come back.
Please, have a roleplay profile. If you have one, then great. But if you don't have one, then don't expect me to roleplay with you. If you do not have a roleplaying profile, but you have a reason for not having one, such as AOL deleted your profile, and if you can roleplay good, then I may roleplay with you.
Be able to handle adult situations. Don't expect a session of tea and crumpets with my characters. Eh eh. If you can't handle adult situations, then simply don't even IM me at all.
No hideous fonts. Please, if you expect someone to read your text, don't use large text, with some kind of bright background.
Don't try to roleplay with me if you have a child character.
Be nice. If you are nice to me, I'll be nice right back to ya.
There will be no killing of my character. If you try to kill my character, it will not be accepted.
Mun consent is needed for everything. If you want to do something "out of the ordinary", then ask me first before trying to roleplay with me.
If your character has the ability to change from human to something else, or is an anthro, etc., then please don't IM me.
Please, don't IM me if your character can "read minds", or anything like that. That kind of stuff is just, well, gay.
Got a storyline? Then tell me! I always like to hear about new storylines that people are starting up.
Haha. Now that's funny. =D